Intertechne monitored the train that arrived from China to São Paulo.

Train that arrives today from China to the São Paulo subway was monitored by Intertechne

The first subway train in Brazil to be able to travel eight kilometers with only its batteries on board – bringing operational safety in blackout situations in the electricity supply – arrived form China today (07/29), to operate on Line 17 – Gold, of the São Paulo Metro. Intertechne was responsible for inspecting the manufacture of the fabrication of the train. “We were hired by the São Paulo Metropolitan Company in December 21, to monitor the deployment of all systems, including the manufacture and commissioning of 14 monorail trains produced by BYD SkyRail, in Guang’na, China. Certainlly, Intertechne’s expertise and experience in carrying out projects with a scope close to the initiative, contributed to us being at the forefront of this endeavor”, explains the Electrical Engineer Sérgio Henrique da Silva Neves, who was in China for 40 days following the inspection.

The first of the 14trains was ready on 26th May and, on the occasion, was symbolically delivered to the President of the Metro in São Paulo, Julio Castiglioni. Between the beginning of the manufacturing, until the arrival in Brazil, it took six months of work that envolved more than 2000 analyses of technical documents by Intertechne, together with the Metro team. “During the inspections and tests, we proposed performance and equipment improvements, to avoid future problems. Our work continues until the supervision of full operation of the train on the line and continues afterwards on the monitoring of the manufacture of the other 13 trains, and in the tests on the operational track and assisted operation, ending with the delivery of all trains for commercial operation”, highlights Sérgio.

Train Features

This train, as well as in the other 13 units, it was uniquely designed to meet the design of the Line 17 – Gold, with automatic operation mode (UTO), using the technology of Train Control Monitoring System (TCMS) and the signalizing system CBTC, wich, through the communication by digital radio, it forms mobile blocks between the trains, allowing them to get closer together and reduce the circulation interval.

Each monorail composition is made up of five cars, with the end cars having 21 seats each intermediate cars count by 24 seats each, totaling 114 seats and with total capacity for 616 passengers, including prioritary seats and areas for disabled. The composition of monorail has free pass between the cars, air conditioning system, LED illumination, vigilance cameras, fire detection and fighting system, audiovisual communication system to the passengers, with dynamic line map and intercom to contact to Operational Control Center (CCO).

The vehicle measures 3.2 meters wide, the end cars are 13.5 meters each and the intermediate measure 10 meters long each, in addiction to the passage area 0.95 meters totaling 60.8 meters in length. Each car has four doors (two on each side), measuring 1,6 meters wide, that comply with accessibility standards and criteria. The sidewalls are equipped with panoramic windows, providing an excellent view of the surroundings of the rout and tilt-up windows which can be opened if necessary, ensuring emergency ventilation for passengers.

The monorail operates on 800mm wide concrete beams and has two bogies per car, each equipped with a traction motor, two load wheels, four guide wheels and two stabilizing wheels. The monorail operates with a nominal voltage of 750 VDC, with an operating speed of 80 km/h.

The monorail is equipped with traction batteries, that work as energy font reserve energy for vehicles, with function as a backup energy source for the vehicle, ensuring that the train reaches the next station, even if there is interruption in the power supply, providing greater safety for the user in case of operational emergency.

Source: Press Office Metro of São Paulo

Also read: São Paulo Metro and Intertechne, a partnership that has come of age

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