Damsweek, event of dams.

Our expertise in dam safety

This week, several companies and institutions are participating in Damsweek 2024, an event organized by the Brazilian Cam Committee to discuss issues related to dam engineering. Intertechne is also present in the event supporting the initiative and sharing its experience on the dam safety work. “We have a team specialized on dam safety made up by professionals with more than 20 years of experience in all areas related to dams and hydroelectric plants, who carry out field inspections, instrumentation analysis, risk classifications and fail analysis, up to recommendations predictive, preventive and corrective actions. This allow us to meet any demand quickly and with the highest quality standard. We’ve already left our mark on some of the most important dam projects in Brazil and abroad”, says the engineer of the water and Gas Unit, Henrique Augusto Palumbo.

Since 2018, the company has stood out in the field of dam safety, realizing more than a hundred of Periodic Reviews in several projects, ranging from large plants such as Itaipu and Porto Primavera, to small hydroelectric plants and supply dams. “One of the most emblematic projects we were involved in took place in May this year. In the occasion, we inspected eight hydroelectric power plant dams and small hydroelectric plants, who were severely impacted by the extraordinary floods that devastated Rio Grande do Sul, marking Braqzil’s biggest recent water tragedy. This project was particularly significant, because we had the opportunity to apply our technic knowledge to help mitigate damage and support recovery in the affected region, reaffirming our commitment to the safety and well-being of Brazilian society”, resalts Palumbo.

Cascade breakouts

The recent Brazil’s history was marked by dam collapses, especially in the mining sector, where tailings dams have been the protagonists of tragedies. Events such as the collapse of the Fundão dam in Mariana (2015) and the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão Mine dam in Brumadinho (2019) have caused large-scale destruction and significant human losses. Although this disasters occur in isolation – and don’t not reflect the exceptional level of safety of dams as a whole – they highlighted the preoccupation with the possibility of cascading breakdowns – a phenomenon in which the collapse of one dam can tigger the failure of other dams in vicinity. “As a response to these events, the safety regulations were revised and improved to consider the risk of cascading failures. Additional measures are being implanted to strengthen security and prevent future occurrences, including intensifying and the adoption of advanced monitoring technologies”, highlights the Water and Energy Unit engineer

Currently the topic of dam safety has modern and well-regulated legislation by inspection agencies and bodies. At Intertechne, the work related to the theme involves:

Monitoring and Inspection: we realize regular inspections (ISR) and assist in the continuous monitoring of the structural of the dams, through the interpretation of the readings of civil auscultation instrumentation.

Risk Assessment: we carry out assessments to identify possible failures and emergency scenarios, helping utilities to better understand their assets and their vulnerabilities, thus being able to better direct their efforts to maintain the safety of the projects.

Security Plan: we help several generation agents in the preparation and continuous updating of their security plans, which includes strategies of response to emergencies, breakdown studies, evacuation procedures and communication with affected communities (PAE)

Maintenance and Repairs: we carry out investigations, studies, projects, audits, technical specifications, monitoring and inspection of works, to survey the need to apply preventive and corrective maintenance

Reports and Documentation: we realize the periodic emission of reports and statements about the dam conditions and the security measures adopted, as required by ANEEL’s legislation and regulations.

Training: we realize the continuous capacitation of the professionals responsible by the dam operation and maintenance, ensuring that they are up to date on best practices and safety standards.  


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