One of the Intertechne’s greatest challenge turns five years old

Five Years ago, Intertechne faced a major challenge: develop a construtabillity- focused project, with the concept of modularization, to be deployed during the Planned Maintenance. The client was Braskem, in Santo André – São Paulo, and the challenge was to propose a soluction that that would allow the replacement of part of the transfer line and its subsystems, involving 20 Q3 cracking furnaces in a short amount of time.
“We needed to present an assembly solution that would allow that the greatest effort to occur during the pre-shutdown, leaving only the dismantling and the interconnections to the Planned Maintenance”, explains Cintia Malamut, engineer at Intertechne’s Oil and Gas Unit Oil.

Through a joint effort that involved Braskem’s constructability team, the Tenenge’s construction methods team, company responsible for preparing the constructability study, and Intertechnem responsible for the calculations and detailing the solution adopted, complete modules were develop that were hoisted in the pre-shutdown and supported on trusses assembled specifically for this purpose, ready to be attached to existing during the Parade. “The level of detail in the module and the application and integration of BIM tools were essential to the success of the project”, highlights Cintia.

The detailing considered all restrictions related to transportation, lifting, interference and mintahem sequences. The project was executed in one year by a multidisciplinary team that works in close integration with the assembly team.

The case of Braskem’s Santo André unit is one of the examples of projects developed by Intertechne focus entirely on the client’s needs. “This is our difference. There is no formula for everything, there is the development of a unique solution to the specific need of each client”, concluded Francisco Villas Boas, director of the Oil and Gas Unit at Intertechne.


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