The Manager of the Project and responsible for the Management Unit at Intertechne – DUGE – Mechanic Engineer Fernando Prado Rocha, highlights Intertechne’s participation in the implementation of SHP Lucia Cherobim. “In Consórcio with Voith Hydro, we manage the suply of the BoP’s equipment of this SHP, including mechanics and electrics auxiliar systems, hydromechanical equipment, lifting equipment, beyond the elevator transformator and yard equipment for the 138kV Substaition”, explained.

With a team composed by mechanical engineers, electricians, and technicians, Intertechne demonstrate its expertise in supply chain management. “It’s an important due to the complexity of the undertaking. Even classified as a Small Hydroelectric Power Plant, it has several structures that require a lot of equipment, materials and services. We could deliver the project in time and with quality, and the challenges are concentrated in the next steps (assembly and commissioning), wich we will have to supervise”, added Paulo.

Intertechne reaffirms, with this project, the due to contribute for the sustainable progress in Brazil, through projects of great social impact.

Get to know the Central

The SHP Lúcia Cherobim is a project belonging to the ‘Grupo CPFL Energia’, leading renewable rnergy company, with the highest operating capacity. Click here and learn more.

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