International Women's Day at Intertechne.


The International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8th, has its origins in historical events and social movements from the end of XIX century and beginning of XX century. This date is recognized as a symbol of the women fight for directs equality, better working conditions and society participations.

In 1911, the International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in several countries in Europe, including Austria, Denmark, Germany and Sweden. The date was marked by demonstrations in support of women’s rights.

Here at Intertechne, we always seek to value our women, recognizing and admiring their dedication and love for the work they do well. Enjoy this day to read some inspiring histories from some of the Women of Intertechne:

Isabella Martins

“Five years ago, I took my first steps at Intertechne, a journey that have been marked by learning, challenges and, above all, growth. Every day that goes by inside, I realize how important it is to celebrate Women’s Day, for it is an opportunity to recognize and honor the ongoing struggle for equality.

Over the years, I have felt an increasing in recognition of my work and my contributions. The campaigns and initiatives aimed at valuing women are more present, wich makes me feel valued.

My role can seem simple ate first sight, but it has a big impact on the day by day of Intertechne. I spend more hours inside the company than in my own house, taking care of the space and the administrative process to ensure that everyone feel welcomed and ease. I believe that this care is essential for the proper functioning of the company.

If I could give one piece of advice to a young professional who is joining Intertechne today, I would say to seize every opportunity to grow, both professionally and personally.

On this very important day, I would like to congratulate all the women of Intertechne and reinforce that we must celebrate not only our professional achievement, but our strength, resilience and determination to achieve our goals.”

Flavia Tormena Albertoni

“Fifteen years ago, I have embarked on a long journey at Intertechne that has been full of challenges and achievements. For me, Women’s Day is an opportunity not just to celebrate the achievements achieved over the decades, but also to remember that there is still a lot of work to be done towards equality, respect and freedom.

Over the years, I have felt increasingly valued at the company, especially as a technical director of DUIN. My team management role has a direct impact on the results of operations and the satisfaction of  the customers we serve.

If I could give one piece of advice to a young professionar who is joining Intertechne today, would be for her to be very dedicated, to be curious, to contribute effectively to the team, continuously learn with the most experienced and always strive to do the best job possible.

On this very important day, I would like to thank all the women that made Intertechne a very special company. Congratulations to your diary achievements and let’s keep moving forward together!”

Beatriz Pinheiro

I joined Interthecne in 2007. That is, 17 years ago, I started a journey marked by challenges, growth and proud of the job that I do. For me, the celabration of Women’s Day takes on even greater importance in an engineering company where the female presence is increasingly remarkable. It is a moment to celebrate diversity and recognize the crucial role of women who are taking on an increasing role in teams.

Throught these years, I have noticed a significant change on the Intertechne environment, especially what says about women valuing. The increase of the number of women in the company and principally at my area reflects a positive evolution and an increasing appreciation of diversity.

My role in the company, as a DUIN director, is the reason of great proud for me, as a woman. Through years, we worked tirelessly to elevate the status of our area within Intertechne, and today we can say that we are one of the largest units of the company. We seek to become a reference in the Infrastructure market, just as we already are in Water and Energy – DUAE, and this achievement is a source of great satisfaction for all of us.

To a young who is joining Intertechne today, I would say that dedication is the key. True success comes when we dedicate ourselves to what we do with passion and take advantage of opportunities that come by dedicating ourselves fully to them.

I would also like to highlight that in Intertechne I don’t see any distinction. Equal opportunities and the recognition are values that I see here in company. Being a woman is just another attribute, what really matters is the professionalism and the quality of the work. Finally, I wish all the women of Intertechne congratulations for the achievements and let’s keep moving forward together!”

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