Intertechne is now a member of the International Hydropower Association – IHA. By participating in the IHA, Intertechne advocates for the importance of hydroelectric plants in the so-called energy transition and recognizes their role in seeking projects that are innovative and, above all, sustainable.
The IHA aims to promote and encourage sustainable hydropower projects, demonstrating the importance of sustainability in dam and hydroelectric projects for society, emphasizing that we can build a world where energy and water needs can be met sustainably (more about the IHA at the end of the text).
“Intertechne takes an important step today towards being a protagonist in the market of sustainable hydroelectric plants. This means a lot to us and our clients,” says Civil Engineer José Pinheiro Machado, Director of the Energy and Infrastructure Business Unit at Intertechne.
Now, alongside Itaipu, Eletrobras, Engie, and 90 other companies, Intertechne is also an IHA member.
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IRAPÉ, GARIBALDI and LAÚCA; some big projects of Intertechne

The largest energy producer in Angola, with an installed capacity of 2,067 MW, was built on the Kwanza River, and had feasibility studies and basic, executive, and environmental projects carried out by Intertechne for the GAMEK client (Médio Kwanza Development Office).
The hydropower plant, built between 2012 and 2018, is located in the municipality of Cacuso, in Malanje, and is responsible for supplying 45% of Angola’s energy demand and reducing power outages in the country by 94%.

Winner of the Puente de Alcântara International Award (2009) and the Chincold – Icold – Spancold International Award (2009), the Irapé Hydroelectric Power Plant is located on the Jequitinhonha River and has an installed capacity of 360 MW. With the scope of basic and executive projects (civil, electrical, and mechanical (in consortium) carried out by Intertechne, the plant has the highest dam in Brazil and the second largest in Latin America, at 208 meters. The Irapé Hydropower Plant was inaugurated in 2006 and is considered one of the most modern power plants installed in the country.

The Garibaldi Hydropower Plant has an installed capacity of 190 MW, which meets the needs of 500,000 people, and is located on the Canoas River. For this project, which started operating in 2013, Intertechne carried out basic and executive projects (civil and electromechanical).
More about IHA
Founded in 1995, the International Hydropower Association (IHA) is a global network that includes energy companies, governments, non-governmental organizations, academics, and other hydropower experts. Its mission is to promote the sustainable development of the sector through research, political dialogue, and dissemination of information and best practices. The organization has a particular focus on three areas: environmental sustainability, socio-economic benefits, and technical performance.
The IHA carries out various activities to achieve its objectives. This includes conducting research and case studies, developing tools and guidelines for the hydropower sector, and organizing events such as conferences and discussion forums. The organization also collaborates with governments and other international organizations to promote hydropower as a renewable and sustainable energy source (Source: Itaipu).